Community Christian Elementary School
Tuition Information
Tuition for 2025-2026 School year
Registration (non-refundable)
$100.00 (for new students)
$10,920.00 annual tuition
$260.00 a week for 42 weeks
Tuition includes morning snack, lunch, CCDS T-Shirt, all field trips and classroom speakers throughout the year.
Tuition can be paid weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
School hours are 7:30am – 2:30 pm
Kids Towne (KT) Morning and After-School Care Options
MORNING AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE - $120.00 a week: Weekly fee includes care from 6:15-7:30, care from 2:30-5:45, and an afternoon snack
AFTER SCHOOL CARE ONLY - $110.00 a week: Weekly fee includes care from 2:30- 5:45, and an afternoon snack. ($100 annual academic fee due for Kids Towne)
MORNING CARE ONLY - $10.00 a week: Weekly fee includes care from 6:15-7:30.
Summer and Holiday Break Options
$210.00 for a full week, if care in Kids Towne is needed during breaks. (Must be enrolled in aftercare)
Book Fee
New Students:
Non-Refundable Deposit to Enroll
First Week’s tuition $260.00
Book Fee $350.00
Registration Fee $100.00
KT First week and academic fee $210.00
Total Deposit without KT $710.00
Total Deposit with KT $920.00
Existing Students:
Non-Refundable Deposit to Enroll
First Week’s tuition $260.00
Book Fee $350.00
KT First week and academic fee $210.00
Total Deposit without KT $610.00
Total Deposit with KT $820.00